Our single-use tableware products (plates, bowls, cups, boxes) are biologically and compostably self-degradable in nature, made from renewable sugarcane fibers.
0% Plastic – A Healthy Choice
100% plant biomass without any glue, lining, adhesive, laminate, or coating.
Completely natural, dissolves in nature within 60 to 90 days.
Vermilion tableware doesn't involve cutting down trees.
Raw material obtained from plant fibers after industrial processing.
Liquid & oil-resistant.
Resistant to 100 degrees Celsius water and 120 degrees Celsius oil. Doesn't bend or break.
Does not alter the taste of food.
All products carry the 'food contact safe' sign. Hygienic.
Can be safely used in a microwave, heater, or oven, and is resistant to temperatures between -20°C and +150°C.
Our single-use tableware products (plates, bowls, cups, boxes) are biologically and compostably self-degradable in nature, made from renewable sugarcane fibers.
0% Plastic – A Healthy Choice
100% plant biomass without any glue, lining, adhesive, laminate, or coating.
Completely natural, dissolves in nature within 60 to 90 days.
Vermilion tableware doesn't involve cutting down trees.
Raw material obtained from plant fibers after industrial processing.
Liquid & oil-resistant.
Resistant to 100 degrees Celsius water and 120 degrees Celsius oil. Doesn't bend or break.
Does not alter the taste of food.
All products carry the 'food contact safe' sign. Hygienic.
Can be safely used in a microwave, heater, or oven, and is resistant to temperatures between -20°C and +150°C
Our single-use tableware products (plates, bowls, cups, boxes) are biologically and compostably self-degradable in nature, made from renewable sugarcane fibers.
0% Plastic – A Healthy Choice
100% plant biomass without any glue, lining, adhesive, laminate, or coating.
Completely natural, dissolves in nature within 60 to 90 days.
Vermilion tableware doesn't involve cutting down trees.
Raw material obtained from plant fibers after industrial processing.
Liquid & oil-resistant.
Resistant to 100 degrees Celsius water and 120 degrees Celsius oil. Doesn't bend or break.
Does not alter the taste of food.
All products carry the 'food contact safe' sign. Hygienic.
Can be safely used in a microwave, heater, or oven, and is resistant to temperatures between -20°C and +150°C.
Our single-use tableware products (plates, bowls, cups, boxes) are biologically and compostably self-degradable in nature, made from renewable sugarcane fibers.
0% Plastic – A Healthy Choice
100% plant biomass without any glue, lining, adhesive, laminate, or coating.
Completely natural, dissolves in nature within 60 to 90 days.
Vermilion tableware doesn't involve cutting down trees.
Raw material obtained from plant fibers after industrial processing.
Liquid & oil-resistant.
Resistant to 100 degrees Celsius water and 120 degrees Celsius oil. Doesn't bend or break.
Does not alter the taste of food.
All products carry the 'food contact safe' sign. Hygienic.
Can be safely used in a microwave, heater, or oven, and is resistant to temperatures between -20°C and +150°C.
Our single-use tableware products (plates, bowls, cups, boxes) are biologically and compostably self-degradable in nature, made from renewable sugarcane fibers.
0% Plastic – A Healthy Choice
100% plant biomass without any glue, lining, adhesive, laminate, or coating.
Completely natural, dissolves in nature within 60 to 90 days.
Vermilion tableware doesn't involve cutting down trees.
Raw material obtained from plant fibers after industrial processing.
Liquid & oil-resistant.
Resistant to 100 degrees Celsius water and 120 degrees Celsius oil. Doesn't bend or break.
Does not alter the taste of food.
All products carry the 'food contact safe' sign. Hygienic.
Can be safely used in a microwave, heater, or oven, and is resistant to temperatures between -20°C and +150°C.
Our single-use tableware products (plates, bowls, cups, boxes) are biologically and compostably self-degradable in nature, made from renewable sugarcane fibers.
0% Plastic – A Healthy Choice
100% plant biomass without any glue, lining, adhesive, laminate, or coating.
Completely natural, dissolves in nature within 60 to 90 days.
Vermilion tableware doesn't involve cutting down trees.
Raw material obtained from plant fibers after industrial processing.
Liquid & oil-resistant.
Resistant to 100 degrees Celsius water and 120 degrees Celsius oil. Doesn't bend or break.
Does not alter the taste of food.
All products carry the 'food contact safe' sign. Hygienic.
Can be safely used in a microwave, heater, or oven, and is resistant to temperatures between -20°C and +150°C.
Gusset handle plastic bags are a simple and economical option.
They are a simple take on traditional plastic bags, yet represent their practical and multipurpose appearance.
They also offer adequate resistance to contain various types of product.
Sevkiyat kasaları, sanayide taşıma ve depolama amaçlı kullanılan dayanıklı metal kasalardır. Firmamız, bu kasaları üretirken kalite ve müşteri memnuniyetini ön planda tutarak, 35 yılı aşkın bir süredir sektörde hizmet vermektedir. Ürünlerimiz, otomotiv yan sanayi ürünleri ile birlikte geniş bir yelpazede sunulmaktadır.
Sevkiyat kasalarımız, dayanıklılığı ve uzun ömürlülüğü ile bilinir. Çeşitli sektörlerde kullanılmak üzere tasarlanan bu kasalar, taşıma ve depolama süreçlerini kolaylaştırır. Müşterilerimizin ihtiyaçlarına uygun olarak özelleştirilebilen bu ürünler, yüksek kalite standartlarına uygun olarak üretilmektedir.
Of high quality and differentiated presentation, JORLOP paper packaging is fully customizable.
This way, you can complement your products with your brand image, always maintaining elegance.
We are manufacturer of wet towel producing machine. We have different options for machine according production capacity. Our machine can produce wet towel in one bag beginning from 20 piece up 120 piece of wet towel . Our product can using for antibacterial cleaning of hands,also baby skin care
We are producer of individual wet wipe producing machine. Machine can produce wet wipe - in each bag per one unit. Machine can produce also,antibacterial wet wipe for disinfection and cleaning hands,devices and etc.
We are producing sachettype of packaging machine for powder and duster type of products. Sachet type of bag,is the bag with four side sealing. For more information please contact us by WhatsApp
We are producer of stick Packaging machine for all kind of product s,like powder and liquid type. Also ,you can package all kind of chemical and medical products.
Höchste Leistung bei geringem Platzbedarf durch kontinuierliche Arbeitsweise für den Bechertransport. Kompaktes Design und einfacher Zugang zu allen wichtigen Baugruppen.
Die ideale Lösung für Ihre Leistungsanforderungen mit einer Ausbringung von bis zu 40.320 Becher/h - je nach Maschinenmodell.
Der Name der CONTITHERM wurde von ihrem kontinuierlichen Arbeitsprinzip abgeleitet, d.h. die Becher werden mit konstanter Geschwindigkeit durch die Maschine transportiert; Fülldüsen und und Siegelstation bewegen sich während des Füll- und Siegelvorgangs synchron mit der Bechertransportkette und kehren dann in ihre Ausgangsposition zurück.
Die Vorteile des kontinuierlichen Arbeitsprinzips der CONTITHERM werden besonders beim Füllen von flüssigen Produkten deutlich. Auch alle anderen Produkte wie Joghurt mit oder ohne Früchte, Milchmischgetränke, Quark, Frischkäse, Pudding, Mousse, Marmelade etc. können problemlos bei Höchstleistung abgefüllt werden.
Hygieneklassen: clean, ultra-clean, aseptisch
Becherdurchmesser: max. 95 mm
Becherhöhe: min. 30 mm / max. 130 mm
Hochleistungs-FFS-Maschine mit optimalen Hygiene-Standards – bietet eine Vielzahl an Becherformen für Molkerei- oder Nahrungsmittelprodukte.
Hochleistungs Form,- Füll- und Verschließmaschine für Becher mit optimalen Hygiene-Standards –
bietet eine Vielzahl an Becherformen für Molkerei- oder Nahrungsmittelprodukte.
Optimale Nutzbreite entsprechend der gewünschten Produktionskapazität.
Produktspezifische Dosiersysteme stehen für eine hohe Füllgenauigkeit.
Rollenbreite Bodenfolie: Rollenbreite Bodenfolie
Abzugslänge: max. 824 mm
Nutzbreite: max. 824 mm
Ziehtiefe: max. 90 mm
Hygieneklassen: clean, ultra-clean, aseptisch
Die DFA 10 von IMA Ilapak ist eine erstklassige Einstiegs-Mehrkopfwaage, die für eine breite Palette von Produkten und Anwendungen konzipiert wurde. Mit ihrem robusten Design und der hohen Präzision bietet sie eine zuverlässige Lösung für Unternehmen, die ihre Verpackungsprozesse optimieren möchten.
Hauptmerkmale und Vorteile:
Vielseitigkeit: Die DFA 10 ist ideal für verschiedene Branchen wie Bäckerei, Trockenfrüchte, Süßwaren, Snacks und viele weitere Märkte geeignet.
Einfache Reinigung: Die Produktkontaktteile sind leicht abnehmbar, was eine schnelle und gründliche Reinigung ermöglicht und somit die Hygieneanforderungen in der Lebensmittelindustrie erfüllt.
Flexibler Betrieb: Die Waage kann sowohl im Wiege- als auch im Zählmodus betrieben werden, wodurch sie sich an unterschiedliche Produktanforderungen anpassen lässt.
Benutzerfreundlichkeit: Dank einer intuitiven Benutzeroberfläche ist die Bedienung der DFA 10 unkompliziert, was den Schulungsaufwand für das Personal reduziert.
Kompaktes Design: Mit ihrem platzsparenden Design lässt sich die DFA 10 problemlos in bestehende Produktionslinien integrieren, ohne viel Raum einzunehmen.
Technische Spezifikationen:
Wiegebereich: Abhängig von der spezifischen Konfiguration und den Anforderungen des Produkts.
Genauigkeit: Hohe Präzision, um konsistente Portionen sicherzustellen und Produktverluste zu minimieren.
Kapazität: Entwickelt, um den Anforderungen von Produktionslinien mit mittlerem bis hohem Durchsatz gerecht zu werden.
Material: Hergestellt aus hochwertigen Materialien, die den strengen Standards der Lebensmittelindustrie entsprechen.
Die DFA 10 ist besonders geeignet für:
Bäckereiprodukte: Präzises Wiegen von Brot, Brötchen, Gebäck und anderen Backwaren.
Trockenfrüchte: Effiziente Handhabung von Nüssen, Rosinen und getrockneten Früchten.
Süßwaren: Genaues Portionieren von Bonbons, Schokolade und anderen Süßigkeiten.
Snacks: Wiegen von Chips, Crackern und ähnlichen Produkten.
Spécialiste en emballages et conditionnements métalliques, notre entreprise propose une vaste gamme de produits, des boîtes sérigraphiées aux capsules en plastique destinées à nos emballages.
Nos BAS sont adaptées à tous les secteurs, secteur industriel, (industrieaéronautique, secteur alimentaire. Elles permettent de conditionner un large éventail de produits allant des graisses aux semence, les poudres etc...
Divers diamètres: 52, 65, 71,5 - 83/86 - 100 - 120, 166,5.
Hauteurs variables.
Fonds classiques ou EASY OPEN ou EASY PEEL
Capes plastiques produites en interne.
Palette:800 x 1200 ou 1120 x 1420
Personalized boxes for your business - promoting your business through a personalized gift box with your brand has become a necessity in a sea of common packaging. You can stand out with personalized cardboard boxes for your products, especially now that "take away" or "to go" has become something common.
But ordinary doesn't have to be your packaging! The custom bakery box must express the quality and uniqueness of the product you are selling.
The freshness and shape of your special cake should not be altered by a common and cheap packaging, but should be highlighted with the help of premium personalized boxes at Web2Print Bucharest !
Whether we admit it or not, quality packaging for your product raises dopamine levels in anticipation of the customer's well-deserved reward. And your product will come to define your customer's expectation. Why waste all this carefully thought out effort with some packaging when you can stand out from the crowd with a quality custom box.
Personalized cardboard bags at Web2Print Bucharest can be printed with attractive and colorful designs to attract customers' attention and make them feel special. This can be achieved by using offset printing techniques or applying various types of varnishes or metallic foil in various colors, which allow the reproduction of complex and colorful designs. Personalized gift bags are also useful for delivering products to events or home. They can be designed to fit different products, such as clothes, jewelry or cosmetics, and can be delivered safely and in good condition.
Mass colored paper bags are an ECO option and very practical when it comes to brand visibility. It is a direct and effective means of advertising, so their design must be chosen carefully. They are a simple and effective way to give a gift and stand out by choosing a premium personalized bag.
De complete cadeau set voor de verzorging met Griekse yoghurt is een prachtige collectie producten uit de verzorgingslijn met Griekse yoghurt en bijenpollen. De verzorgingsset bevat een douchegel van 50 ml, een bodylotion van 50 ml en een handcrème van 100 ml.
De Griekse yoghurt douchegel is een organische en hydraterende douchegel op basis van Griekse yoghurt en bijenpollen. Het verfrissende en herstellende effect van de yoghurt zorgt voor een onmiddellijke verjonging van de huid, terwijl de bijenpollen de celvernieuwing en elasticiteit van de huid bevorderen. De milde reinigingsmiddelen in deze douchegel, in combinatie met biologische Aloë Vera, Propolis en Provitamine B5, reinigen de huid en laten deze stralen.
De biologische Griekse yoghurt bodylotion is gemaakt met actieve ingrediënten van yoghurt, zoals lactose en eiwitten. De bijenpollen in de bodylotion van Griekse yoghurt zorgen voor celvernieuwing en elasticiteit van de huid.
invenio entwickelt Elektrik und Elektronik für Produkte in sowohl sowohl in der Automobil- und Haushaltsgeräteindustrie als auch in der Medizin- und Automatisierungstechnik.
Gusset handle plastic bags are a simple and economical option.
They are a simple take on traditional plastic bags, yet represent their practical and multipurpose appearance.
They also offer adequate resistance to contain various types of product.
This Christmas, go beyond the ordinary! We offer a unique range of educational toys that not only entertain but inspire creativity, curiosity, and learning. 🌟🧪
From hands-on science experiments to fun, interactive kits, these gifts foster critical thinking and imagination in young minds. Perfect for brands looking to make an impact this holiday season!
🎨 Personalized Touch: Add a custom bag with your brand’s logo to make these gifts even more memorable.
Give the gift of exploration and discovery this Christmas—something that will leave a lasting impression and stimulate young minds to keep learning and creating. 🎁🔍
Discover the full collection today and start making memories!